Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Psy/375 - Issue Analysis

After reading the selected critical issue, use the following questions to analyze the issue.  The word count for individual questions may vary but your responses should total 1,200- to 1,400-words for the entire worksheet.

1.      What are some of the strengths associated with the Pro side of the issue?  What are some of the weaknesses?
When answering the question regarding the true nature of the woman’s decision to work or not work, I’m going to assume that the “pro” side is the one that believes that it is, indeed, a woman’s choice to not work, as opposed to the “con” idea, which suggests that other elements are forcing women to step out of the business world.
The main strength of the “pro” argument is the fact that nature is on its side. For most women, the mother instinct is very strong, so deciding to be a more active part of the family, and have it as the main focus of her life is not an outrageous idea. It is very hard for some women to have other people, which can involve nannies, teacher or relatives, raise their children. Because of that, the decision to stay at home can be a very easy one for some women, who would much rather be close to their children than to be working all week.
One weakness of this argument is the other side of this same coin. For some women, especially in the competitive and fast-paced modern days, working and having a successful career is a lot of times a much more tempting idea than the one of staying home and raising a family. Women nowadays want to be independent and admired, which a lot of times can’t happen if they are stay-at-home moms. However, these women who have the desire to work still have to face endless obstacles before they can be successful professional, more than men. For a lot of women, what they would earn in a week of work is less than it costs to have their children being watched by a third person, which makes it a really hard decision. 

2.      What are some of the strengths associated with the Con side of the issue?  What are some of the weaknesses?
One strength of the argument suggesting that there are more factors influencing women’s decision of staying home instead of working is the fact that it is very well known how different the working conditions are for women and man. Although we are well into the 21st century, women are still not treated equally to man when it comes to being appreciated and respected in a professional environment. Although a lot of times they are just as qualified, if not more qualified, than man, they still have to deal with a smaller payment, worse hours and other obstacles when compared to how man are treated and appreciated. This factor plays an important part in the decision-making process, as women still have to consider if it is “worth it” taking a job, when that is not ever a question for men.
One weakness associated with this same idea is the fact that times are changing, even if slowly. Nowadays, it is actually quite common to see the roles inverted in many families. Man can chose to stay at home taking care of the children, while women become more and more successful and work and can provide for their families better than her husband could. Because of this chance, this argument is weakened, since it represents a safe a comfortable alternative for women who want to work. By having their children taken care of by a person they can trust and won’t charge any money, they can devote themselves to work without having to sacrifice their peace of mind and their children’s safety.

3.      Based on the statements presented in this critical issue, which author do you agree with?  Provide supporting evidence.
After considering and analyzing both arguments, it is safe to say that I agree with sociologist Pamela Stone, who defends the idea that although women try to show society that staying at home with their children is their very own personal choice, I can understand that a lot of times that “choice” is forced upon them. When they have to deal with endless obstacles, like difficulty to find someone trustworthy to watch their kids, or having their entire paycheck serving only to pay the daycare, it is impossible to convince themselves that working is still a good idea, and they settle with being stay-at-home moms. There are obviously many exceptions to this idea, as so many women find true happiness when they can devote themselves to their family and loved ones. However, I still believe that in most cases, the decision to not work is based on more than just the desire of being closer to their children.

4.      Explore two other roles that can be acquired during early and middle adulthood, such as through parenthood, romantic relationships, and career.  How have these roles changed through the past generations?
The modern days brought with them many changes in several aspects of relationships. One role that has definitely changed a lot in the past few years is the role of main caregiver. Continuing on the previous discussion, it has been already stated that nowadays it is very common to see mothers being the primary financial provider while the fathers stay at home taking care of their children. A few decades ago, it was rare to witness this situation, as it has always been traditional to have women staying at home to raise their children, while man were the main providers and usually missed out of a lot of the milestones in their son’s and daughter’s development. Now, it is normal and accepted to see the other way. Women are respected for working hard to provide for their families, while man are satisfied to be more present in their children’s lives.
Another role that has changed a lot is the role of the spouse. Sadly, the institution of marriage is not respected anymore. The divorce rate in the United States is higher than 50%, one of the highest in the world, and I believe that is due to the fact that people have lost the desire to fight for their relationships and make them work. In the past, getting a divorce was shameful and a taboo. Nowadays, that is not the case anymore. People don’t have to supper any consequences from ending their marriages, at least not in society’s eyes. For this reason, when things start to go wrong, married couples just choose the easy way out, and end the relationship, while back in the day couples would even stay in a loveless relationship just to avoid the title of “divorced”. 

5.      What psychological adjustments are made during early and middle adulthood to adapt to aging and changes in life style?  How does this affect development?
Man and women have to learn to adapt themselves psychologically in order to welcome the several changes that happen as they age and get older. Women, for example, go through menopause around the age of 50. With the many body changes that they have to go through, also comes a need to adapt and accept what is going on in their lives. Men also go through many changes as they get older. Although not exclusive to them, it is very common to witness men going through a “midlife crisis”. However, this is not associated with any specific period of time or age. These crises can happen at any time or not happen at all, as it not a sure thing like the menopause women go through. Many factors can trick this, like the loss of a loved one or a change in the financial situation, but most of the time what happens is simply a reevaluation of values and ideas.

Berger, K. S. (2012). The developing person through the life span. (8 ed., Vol. 1). New York: Worth Pub.

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